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Thank You Notes for eBay Buyers: How to Send Them And Decide If You Should

Publish Date
July 8, 2023
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thank you notes for ebay

One question new resellers often ask is, “Should I add thank you notes for eBay buyers when I ship orders?”

The answer is it is completely up to you! I say yes, because I think there is a business benefit for you as a seller on eBay, Poshmark or other marketplaces (and partly because of my Southern sensibility😉). There are definitely pros and cons on either side of the debate. But thank you notes don’t have to be fancy, handwritten, time-consuming or expensive! It’s a simple, but potentially impactful way to show gratitude for customers’ support while marketing your brand.

Plus, it may (though not guaranteed!) increase the chances that the buyer will leave you positive feedback.

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thank you notes for ebay
An eBay or Poshmark thank you note is a simple card you add to each order you ship – and you can do so with all selling platforms.

Of course, there are many online resellers who never add thank-you notes, cards or stickers and they receive consistently positive feedback. There also are some sustainably-minded buyers who prefer not to receive the extra paper that they then have to recycle.

But I am a HUGE fan of showing gratitude. And a branded thank you note doesn’t have to be fancy – it can be a really simple postcard, notecard, business card or sticker. So, here is everything you need to know about sending thank you cards with your orders for eBay or other platforms, including how to write them and what you should say.

What Are eBay Thank You Notes?

An eBay thank you note can be a simple card you add to each order you ship for eBay, Poshmark, Mercari or other marketplaces. Basically, they thank the buyer for their purchase and can even include a personal note saying, “Hope you enjoy the top,” “Thank you for supporting my small business,” “Positive feedback is welcome,” or something similar.

When I started reselling, I used to handwrite every single card for every single order. I created a basic template that I would then copy every time. Great, but once the volume and pace of sales picked up, I realized that was not the best use of my time (Video: how not to send a thank you note). Also, after I ran out of cards that I already had on hand, I realized buying fancy cards would bite too deeply into my profit margin.

Now, I include a small business card for my brand (above) that says “Thank You” while listing my website and social media accounts. I made mine for free on Canva, who also prints at a low cost and I choose free shipping, which takes a little longer to arrive. (FYI: I tried Canva’s print and pickup for free at FedEx, but I did not like the quality as much).

Beyond the different types of cards, another popular option is thank you stickers attached to the packaging, inside or outside. You can buy these on Amazon, Poshmark, eBay, Etsy and many other marketplaces (check out examples below).

Why You Should Send a Thank You Note

Sending thank you cards to your eBay buyers encourages them to leave positive feedback and shows that there is an actual human behind your business.

Since you know how important good reviews are, especially on eBay, a note may encourage them to give you positive feedback when they may not have left any at all. 

Many sellers report that more buyers leave feedback in general, and that they receive more positive feedback than negative. And positive feedback can really make a difference on the status of your account or eBay store.

Plus, it is a great way to advertise your resale business. Buyers can connect a voice with the brand. A simple note can make your customers happy and feel special.

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thank you notes for ebay
Your genuine thank you note builds a relationship and expresses a level of sincere gratitude for their business.

In short, sending out a thank you note with every order shows that you aren’t just an eBay seller – you’re a professional business. It also proves that there is a person behind the screen, and it increases their trust.

The downside is that it could add a nominal fee to your COG (cost of goods), and it could take more time if you decide to hand-write the notes. Also, there are some shoppers who do not like the idea of adding paper waste to the planet. 

Still, while you have to choose or design a pre-made card and purchase it, this is simply reinvesting in your business especially considering their potential benefits.

Your genuine thank you note expresses a level of sincerity you can’t do so otherwise, particularly with online shopping. And it’s generally easier to get someone to buy from you again versus finding new customers. On average, the success rate of retaining a buyer is 60 to 70 percent, while the success rate of persuading a new buyer to purchase something is significantly lower at 5 to 20 percent.

What Should I Include in a Thank You Note to a Buyer?

Here are some things to consider adding to your thank you note as well as the tone and voice you want to set.

  1. Be thoughtful and Sincere

The key is to add a note that reflects your brand, and is not too cold or generic. Since you want each customer to feel appreciated, you may want to avoid terms like:

  • Thank you for your business
  • Thank you for your order

Instead, say something like:

  • Thank you for shopping with us
  • Thank you for supporting my small business
  • Your support means the world or is invaluable
  • Thanks for choosing us; it means a lot
  1. Send a Physical Thank You Note, Not an Email

In a forum, I saw that many people did not like emails because too many could be annoying, and many say they didn’t even read them. Plus, it may be against a platform’s terms of service to message about anything other than order/delivery details (e.g. Amazon). Also, make sure you send a physical card with the purchase, not afterward.

Examples of Thank You cards and stickers I have purchased.
  1. Stick With Your Brand Voice

When creating a note, be sure it matches your brand voice because your thank you card is building a relationship with your customer. Besides the item they purchase, a thank you note may be their first real connection with your online business.

  1. Make Sure Your Note Looks Professional

While yes, we want our eBay thank you cards to be friendly and cordia

l, you also want to look professional. Don’t tear off a piece of notebook or journal paper to write your thank you note on.

  1. The Thank You Note is About Your Customer and Not You

When writing your note, remember it is about the customer, not you. It’s best to focus on being thankful and sincere instead of trying to get more sales.

  1. Include Your Store Name and Logo

Since it is all about people getting to know your brand, be sure your eBay thank you cards are customized with your shop name and logo. And if you cross-post to other platforms, include those without cluttering up the note. Push shoppers to your website or social media accounts if that’s less overwhelming.

  1. Consider Adding Your Return Policy

If you include your return policy, it may prompt buyers to ask for a return rather than leave you negative feedback if they are unhappy with their purchase.

  1. Add Your Website or Social Media Channel to Follow

You can even add your website, store or most popular social media channel to ask them to follow you for more great deals or something similar.

  1. Consider Adding a Blurb About Your Brand

Help your buyers connect with you more by adding a quick message about your business. You can share your sustainability practices, goal to pay off student debt, mission to support loved ones or your donation of proceeds to a certain organization. Your reasons are your own IF you decide to share. Just remember, friendly but professional.

  1. Ask Them to Leave Feedback … Maybe

Like most things, resellers don’t agree on whether you should ask buyers to leave your feedback. People are busy, and they often forget to leave feedback. And they don’t know how important that is as a seller or online business, so this could be a great reminder.

But it could also annoy some buyers, because most platforms including eBay, Poshmark and Amazon, send reminder emails to buyers seeking their feedback and ratings.

It’s your call on whether to ask for feedback, but this is one I do not do. I just focus on showing appreciation and inviting them to shop with me again.

How to Write an eBay Thank You Card

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thank you card

Here are some quick tips on how to write eBay thank you cards.

  1. Start with the Introduction

When you only get one first impression, it’s important to start your thank you note right. If you ordered customized thank you cards, here is your chance to personalize them for your customer and add a handwritten introduction.

Use your customer’s first name and write a greeting like “Dear Cynthia” or “Hey Jennifer.” This approach makes your buyer feel special and adds a personal touch.

Handwriting part of your note can further humanize you and let them know you’re a person and not a robot.

I used this very technique until I quickly learned that the greeting cards I already had on hand were “free”, but still costly, because of the added weight to the packages. [Check out this 15-second YouTube Short video to see the type of card I’m talking about] AND because of the TIME it took to write each note even with a pre-written script.

Now I include a business card that has a pre-printed “thank you” note as well as additional ways to shop with me. The weight is negligible, and it takes hardly any extra time to grab a card and toss it into a package.

  1. Add the Thank You

If you ordered cards, then this part is already done, so you need to consider what you are going to say ahead of time. If you ordered blank cards to hand-write the whole card, now’s the time to write a sincere thank you.

Include something about how much you appreciate their business and maybe even add a discount code for the next purchase. People love to save money!

Let them know how thankful you are that they chose you.

Most importantly, have some pre-written notes that you save on your phone, laptop or notebook so you can reference the text without making up something new every single time. 

  1. Request Positive Seller Feedback

If you choose to, you can kindly ask your customers for feedback. I personally do not ask for feedback or ratings, because most shoppers are aware of the process and will do so if they want. For me, the downside of annoying buyers is too big a risk.

  1. Include Your Store or Closet Details

Be sure to include your store details as many customers forget the seller they ordered from.

Provide them with at least one way to contact you either via your marketplace store/closet, website or social channels.

With so many scammers out there, providing your store details shows your customers that you are a legitimate business.

  1. Be Sure to Personalize It

I already mentioned using your customer’s first name, if you write a note or simply add it to your business card.

You can also customize it by showing you’re paying attention to that customer and their specific order, like mentioning that the product they ordered is one of your favorites or that you hope they enjoy it.

But this is not required! You have to judge whether this personalization step is best for YOUR business and brand. I typically do not do this because I also communicate with my shoppers on the marketplace’s messaging app.

  1. End It Casually

End your thank you notes for eBay buyers by saying thanks again or whatever goodbye phrase you typically use like “Cheers,” “Enjoy,” “Thanks Again,” etc.

If you still aren’t feeling confident about writing your own little thank you card, there are plenty of scripts online you can use. In this case, “just Google it” actually works😊


How do you thank customers on eBay?

You can easily thank your customers on eBay or other marketplaces by adding personalized thank you notes to each order. It can be as simple as, “Thank you for supporting us!” A nice note with each purchase could help you connect with your buyers.

Instead of sending a thank you note with every order, another option is to just send one with special, unique or high-dollar orders.

Are thank you notes required with every purchase?

No. You are not required to add a thank you note with orders. It is completely optional! In fact, many sellers do not include notes to save time and money. And they do not suffer negative feedback or ratings.

Where can I buy pre-made thank you notes?

Basically, anywhere cards are sold. I originally had pre-made thank you cards left over from WalMart, Target and stationery shops. eBay sells thank you notes in their branded stores (if you pay for an eBay store subscription, you can use your quarterly allowance towards these). Etsy has lots of cute ones that you can personalize to match your brand. Here is an example of a Poshmark thank you note and another simple card you can send to buyers. This is another simple thank you note that would work on most reselling marketplaces. 

eBay and Poshmark both sell branded stickers and cards (see examples above), but there are sellers across most selling platforms that sell good options.

How do I add buyers’ notes on eBay?

You can add buyers’ notes on eBay by clicking the item in your sold area that you want to add a note to.

Then look up towards the top of the page, and you’ll see “Other Actions.” Click on that and select Add/Edit Notes” to leave a message. Once you’re done, save it.

How do I give feedback to a buyer on eBay?

First, go to Orders in the Seller Hub or Sold in My eBay. Then choose the item you want to provide feedback on and select, Leave Feedback.

Once you select that, you can choose positive or negative, then enter your comment. When you are finished, click Leave Feedback.

Final Thoughts on Thank You Notes for eBay Buyers

thank you cards
Your online buyers may appreciate that you took time to send a note.

Sending thank you notes to eBay, Poshmark or other buyers could make customers feel special and appreciated. It helps connect your buyers to your brand and is a great way to get repeat customers.

Your buyers may appreciate that you took the time to leave them a note. And while there are no guarantees, shoppers may be more likely to leave positive feedback and ratings, which helps your reputation as a seller.